
Re-connecting well

As we enter the next chapter of the Covid-19 Pandemic many people who have been on enforced working from home (WFH) will be returning to working face to face. For some this can’t come soon enough whilst for others they’d prefer to stay working from home. There are organisations that are now embracing WFH as

Making an impact where it matters most – one moment at a time

In our output and achievement driven world, do we sufficiently value the preciousness of time? Time is universally available yet it can’t be bought, harvested, saved or sold. It’s a resource that we don’t have to mine or buy but it is constantly being used up. Time is the one resource in life that we

Self leadership

As Leaders we put a lot of focus on leading those around us and sometimes not enough focus on how well we are leading ourselves. To what extent are we functioning to the best of our abilities? What is there, if anything, in the environment that’s hampering us? What aspects of the conditions we’re working

Leaders and leadership

From time to time in conversations with Leaders it becomes apparent that there is confusion relating to what leadership is. Sometimes it is inaccurate use of spoken English using the words interchangeably and incorrectly, sometimes it is a genuine shortfall in understanding. For example. Leaders may say, “I’m in the Leadership” and assume that automatically

The best route to transformation (aka achieving sustainable change)

Change is a fact of life but often change is either unsuccessful or unsustainable. This is equally true whether it’s a major workplace change or a personal change. Many of us have personally experienced change that has gone well and been sustained and change that has been problematic and never really been fully embedded or